Month: November 2019


Recently, I have been going through some of my old journals that date back over the past three years. Here is a peek into my inner thoughts: 10/29/16: “Building our business: Bigger picture: retreat style CE’s (continuing education); extend to corporations; public speaking; international; renowned healer provider; healing the healer; train the trainer; healing healers


While watching Spongebob with my six year old, I was overcome with envy. OOHHH, to see the world from such a simple and optimistic view like our little yellow sponge friend. Before I knew it, envy became frustration. Frustration became happiness…almost a giddiness. You may be wondering if I have completely gone mad…well, that is

Love is a verb

Throughout my life I had thought love to be this crazy longing and whirlwind of intense emotions that brought two people together and that feeling would last forever. Boy….was I wrong! And I am so glad I was! Love is so much more than a feeling. Luckily, or more accurately, by design, the intense feelings

Always with me

Today hit me like a ton of bricks. It was an amazing weekend, with beautiful weather, and friends that fill my soul. Tonight, I was at a recovery banquet and fundraiser. It was a night surrounded with hope, laughter, and friends-old and new. On my way home, my mind was flitting from one thought to

Hidden Treasures

I don’t know about your kids, but my kids love these digging treasure kits. As I was sitting there watching Ethan dig and sweep away fervently at his clay to find the treasure, it made me think about all of the daily treasures we rarely notice. I am so often SO in my head that

The month of yes

I remember this day all too well. February 26, 2017. That amazing woman next to me is Katie Myers-badass who steps into fears and sets the world on fire. She is now the CEO of a company and I could not be more happy, proud, and grateful to have her as part of my tribe.

The B word

Boundaries. Yep…I said it. It is a word that is often tossed around in the therapy world. Many times, we talk about it without fully understanding the beauty and power of this word. I chose to write on this topic because keeps showing up. Through sessions (yes, I am a therapist…not a physical therapist, or


I was reminded of something very important today…the power of connecting with others through authenticity and passions. This picture was taken a few weeks ago when I decided to see some of my favorite and inspiring authors and leaders. During this day, I was surrounded by passionate people. I had the opportunity to experience authenticity