Category: Uncategorized

Spiritual Cheerleaders

Throughout my entire life, I have always felt a strong presence that I was being looked over. I didn’t have the capacity to fully understand the significance of this feeling. I was lucky enough to have all of my grandparents and even a set of great grandparents living while I was younger. The first person

Letting Go of the “Should’s”

“You wear a mask for so long, you forget who you were beneath it” ~Gordon Dietrich Most of our life is spent living someone else’s dream and out of alignment with our Life Purpose. There are so many messages of what we “should” be and how we “should” act as we grow into adulthood. Our

Dropping the “F” Bombs

These “F” bombs may not be what you think they are. The bombs that I am talking about stop us dead in our tracks from taking courageous steps towards our big Dreams. They create a confusion and leave us second guessing ourselves. They wreak havoc on our self esteem and leave us in a state

Finding My Way

There are so many signals throughout my life that were trying to let me know that I was slowly losing myself. The hurt and pain was a big signal. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the words or understand what exactly the hurt was trying to tell me. I only knew I felt empty and lost. I

From Confusion to Clarity

As a child, I always had a WILD imagination. I loved to pretend play…anywhere I was. This included church services on Sundays and school days when I attended a Catholic school. I vividly remember strange stares from onlookers as I pretended to have an entire tea party while sitting in the pew, opening up imaginary

Messages from your Loving Wise Adult

Have you ever thought about what it would be like if your inner voice was actually a person? Would you spend time with this person? Is this person the kind of person you would call a friend? Does this person resemble your values? For me, the answer was a resounding NO. There is no way

Miracles of Mindfulness and Meditation

“Many people are alive, but do not touch the miracle of being alive”~Thich Nhat Hanh The practice of mindfulness and meditation has been around for thousands of years. Historically, the arrival of mindfulness to the United States is attributed to Jon Kabat-Zinn, the creator of the Stress Reduction Clinic. Mindfulness is now a commonly used

5 Ways to Embrace Change During Times of Uncertainty

“The only thing constant is change”~Heraclitus Through the past six months of drastic changes in the world, it has left people feeling unrest and wanting change, confused on how to act and feel, sad about the state of the world, excited for change, angry with how the change has some about, hopeful about changes that

Cultivating Impartiality

“Identification is the primary portal of empathy”~Frans de Waal I know this could possibly be a controversial topic for the current state of the world and injustices, so please let me preface this by stating this is a call for mindfulness of interdependence. This is a call for love and compassion for ALL. This is

Call to Courage

“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen”~Brene Brown So many of my years were spent being the person I thought I “should” be. I am the first born, which means I am an over-achiever and strive for perfectionism. Some of my younger memories include being yelled at for my first “B”, going

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