Month: December 2019

Music for the soul

As I was running my errands today, instead of driving in silence or listening to a podcast or book, which is how I often drive, I decided to turn on some tunes. WOW. I forgot how much music influences me. Before I knew it, I was dancing and singing to the music. My heart rate

Self Care..what’s that??

What a cliche term. It is overused and often misunderstood. Many people think about rest and relaxation. Many think of spa get aways. Vacations. Massages. Yoga and meditation retreats. Weekend vacations at wineries (maybe that one is just mine?). Others think about getting the appropriate amount of sleep. Nourishing their body with healthy food. Daily

The importance of a roof

Ok. Ok. I swear this is the last comparison I will be making to that of a house…possibly, maybe. As I sit at my high table, looking out my window into the woods of my back yard (so grateful for our move to the country!), I ponder how to wrap up this entire ‘blueprint and


Yes…I am still working off of my blueprint and building theme. It just seems appropriate for this post. As I opened up my daily journal of intention and change, there was a challenge on the page which is “Think of three people you admire and write about why. What can you do today to foster


Moving ahead on the blueprint of my life, I have been reflecting on my values. In the past, I have only paid attention to my values when I become defensive or angry because they are being challenged. More recently, I have been very intentional with integrating them into my daily life. In this practice, I


Spontaneity had always been my ‘jam’. I could ‘fly by the seat of my pants’ and do so with ease. Things would be chaotic, and I would pride myself on being able to thrive in the chaos. I am still this way…somewhat. I can still manage the unforeseen with ease…or…to be more honest, sometimes I