Month: January 2020

The secret to obtaining work-life balance.

OK everyone…are you ready for this?! Here it is…it is a MYTH! There is no such thing as work-life balance. You hear so many people talking about the importance of this elusive balance. I believe we all drive ourselves crazy attempting to find this ‘perfect balance’. Tell me…have you tried? How did it work out?

The Law of Pain. Creating purpose through pain.

“Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional”~Epictetus This is a statement that I whole heartedly believe. I would be so daring to identify it as a core belief I hold about emotional pain. There have been many painful moments in my life, as I am sure many people can relate to. There were the breakups as

Heal your aloneness.

“Trouble me, disturb me with all your cares and your worries. Speak to me and let our words build a shelter from the storm”~Natalie Merchant There are many times where I feel completely alone in this world. I feel an emptiness around me and through me. As far as I can remember, I have had

And-Both. How to live in a paradoxical world.

Throughout my life, I have struggled with all or nothing thinking. When I was experiencing a difficult emotion, I never thought it would end…I thought my life was always going to be miserable. Then, when I felt joy, I never wanted it to end and tried hard to keep myself as elated at possible. Emotions

Personal growth is not linear

“A real sign of progress is when we no longer punish ourselves for our imperfections” ~Yung Pueblo As I move forward in 2020, just like many others, I am reflecting on my past year. I have had so many growth spurts…and I call them spurts because they were painful…and the outcome was, and still is,

Enough. A journey towards self acceptance.

“In a world where you can be anything, be yourself”~Etta Turner Comparisons and harsh self criticism becomes a vicious cycle if we allow it. As I go through my day, talking with other professionals that include Directors, Vice Presidents, and CEO’s, I find myself comparing…wishing I was anything but myself…smarter, more driven, healthier, prettier, more

Books that inspire

“In the case of good books, the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, but rather how many can get through to you.”-Mortimer J. Adler This quote sums up the essence of my affair with books this year. There were a few books that set my soul on fire