Month: February 2020

5 ways to identify a genuine person

Throughout my journey of self discovery and acceptance, I have searched what it means for me to be truly genuine. It was a search of my values, fears, and passions. I have searched to the deepest depths of my soul to be able to fully accept myself, so I am better able to approach the

The necessity of self love and self care

I thought it would be quite appropriate to speak of self love and self care on Valentines Day weekend. While the other 145 million individuals are exchanging cards (not even including classroom card exchanges), and more than 36 million heart shaped boxes of candy are being purchased, I was busy spending quality time with friends

5 ways to stop the comparison game and live a more fulfilling life

“Comparison is the thief of joy”~Theodore Roosevelt I must tell you that I have a love-hate relationship with social media. I have so much gratitude for the internet, technology, and social media because I have met some of my greatest mentors and intelligent minds through this media. On the other hand, I can find myself

The dreaded “D” word…dieting and why that word is cringeworthy to me

New Year’s resolutions are still fresh, and the #1 resolution, at a whopping 71%, is dieting, which is followed by exercising at 65% and losing weight at 54%. Don’t get me wrong…I am all about a healthier lifestyle with more mindful and intentional choices. Sadly, what I see more often is the shame spiral. Next